• This week I had a chance to attend TestCon Europe conference. Some talks were great, while some others - not so great to say the least - and I promise more in-depth review some time later (as recordings have not yet arrived, and I want to watch at least some of them). However, similarly to DORA report, a lot of talks put a huge emphasis on user-centricity and focusing on business problem as there is a disconnect between business and software engineering a lot of times. On top of that, Alan Page, the author behind Modern Testing principles, put some nice thoughts around the issue saying it’s “Nothing New”.

  • Michael Kutz designed and shared a real - I mean - physical Testing Pyramid. If you have ever seen my working desk, you can easily see I like such “toys”. For example, Rubik’s cube that I have there is a great conversation starter as there is a story behind it of how I used it as an interview problem (and no, I have not asked to solve it during interview, that would be odd). Similarly, I see Michael Kutz’s Testing Pyramid could be a great conversation starter - a toy and a model that could be kindly given away as a gift (or reminder) after the conversation about test automation strategy.

  • Talking about pyramids, that real Testing Pyramid inspired me to compose a separate page with my favorite resources around the topic. Here it is - Testing Pyramid.

  • Something to try-out - remember DALL-E image composer engine? This August DALL-E 3 was released, and this October it reached wider audience via Bing Image Creator, so you can try it yourself there.

  • Finally, it would be nice to end such weekly posts with some personal non-testing-related touch, don’t you think? For this time, all the buzz around Ed Sheeran coming to Kaunas next summer reminded me Oliver Anthony and his “Rich Men North Of Richmond” which I accidentally found in social media and it somehow resonated with me instantly. And it is no one-hit-wonder - other his tracks has something as well.